Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Blog Depression

No, I am not depressed, but I saw an entry on another blog and it caught my attention, well a title like blog depression is bound to isn't it?

Blog Depression

I have to say there have been days, where I wonder if I get time to blog and if I really feel up to blogging. This blog is meant to be fun, as well my take on the world, and if it gets peoples attention all the better, and if others feel like taking what I say and using it themselves or feel a connection to it, that is even better, as it means I am not the only one who sees the world in the way I do.

When I started this blog, it was with the intention to show one Londoners view of London and the everyday life of said Londoner, as well as showing the trials, tribulations, joys, pleasures a deaf person in London gets, the highs and the lows. I feel that I get that out sometimes, other times not, I guess my mind is so full of stuff, it would be easier to download it, if my fingers were fast enough, but obviously ones aren't, plus I have no desire to attached to my computer 24/7, maybe a few years back, but I can and intend to enjoy more of my life than that.

There is more in my life than I can ever manage to blog about, and I hope the snippets I give of my mind make others laugh, or cry even if the subject matters needs it.

I will let the blog ebb and flow as it grows, it has been about 6 months now, and I feel this blog is like a good book you like that you go back to again and again to connect with. Just like friends you don't see for a while and when you do, it is like you only saw them yesterday.

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