Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A Plug for a site worth visiting

You may see in the sidebar a number of buttons and I want to bring your attention to one of them which I think is worth viewing.

Deaf Blogs

Deaf Blog Background

This is a list of sites that are done by deaf people who are a wide ranged of individuals, as any group of people are. These sites are their outlook on the world, their take on what happens in their lives, their input. Being deaf myself, leaves me with sometimes feeling others don't hear what I say, ignore my words, for various reasons. If you go through my blog, you will see references to situations I have myself had because of being deaf.

The majority of information on the internet about deaf people, and deaf situations is by large organizations. This gives those in the world of being deaf a say, a way to be grouped together to allow us to have a louder voice, get our opinions across and maybe spread more information to others and ourselves.

I say congrats to those who worked so hard to set it up, I know they have put a huge amount of effort into it, and should be applauded rightly for that effort. So well done to you all.

1 comment:

Daz said...

Hear hear!